Monday, May 11, 2009

Animation Revisited

Just for the fun of it, I decided to go back and add some text to my animation to make it more of an advertisement type of thing instead of just a drink on a table. It was an idea that I had a while ago and I like how it came out. Gave me a chance to get very familiar with the tweening tool. ^_^ this is taking forever to upload...really it says processing....any day now...finally yay. 

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Personal Landscape

For this project we had to scan in objects and/or images and create a "personal landscape" for ourselves in photoshop. Mine uses scans of the following: Haribo gummy bears (obvious), anodized aluminum jump rings (the water), pliers (the boat), japanese koinobori kites (the fish), fabric from my CSH uniform (the sky), fabric from a bag (the sun), fabric from a scarf (the brown land), and the cover of a handmade journal (the green land). 

Current Event

For this project we had to find a current event article and then create an image that either exaggerated or changed it in some way. I chose to base mine off of an article that I found about a group of people that were rallying together and planning to send tea bags to the White House to protest Obama's tax policy (in reference to the Boston Tea Party). I take no political side in doing this picture, I just thought it would be an amusing image. So there you have it, a tea party in front of the White House. 


This one was pretty simple: we had to go to and complete two tutorials for adobe illustrator. I chose one that taught the basics of the gradient mesh tool, using it to create a curtain type of effect and another one using the pen tool and a linear gradient to create a faceted diamond.


I realized that it's been quite a while since I posted any of my projects on here. So without further ado, I will be posting the remainder of my work in a few posts immediately following this one. Here we go...